Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday GEMINI!

Woo hoo! For those of you who don’t know – I’m a Gemini and I just love when the Sun is in my sign. Can any of you feel the difference? The Sun’s journey through Taurus for Gemini’s especially can be a bit, shall we say, inward? An uncommon state of being for most Gemini’s, for sure!! Keep in mind, this applies to you if you’ve got a Gemini Moon or Rising as well.

Regardless of how closely tied to Gemini any of you are, the fact is that things are going to get a lot lighter in the weeks to come. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so be prepared to hear a lot from your Gemini friends! In fact, there’s going to be a whole lot of thinkin’ and talkin’ going on. But it’s going to be a bit of a slow go, as Mercury is deep in retrograde in Taurus until the 30th of May. Remember to keep your sense of humor.

Think of it as a “Hurry Up and Wait” kind of energy – not necessarily the most comfortable, but at least I feel like doing something now! My advice is to get those ducks in order, because when May 30th hits, things are going to speed up. Ever meet a Gemini who didn’t have three different things working either in their minds or in their lives all at once. Well, as a whole, with the Sun in Gemini until late June, we’re about to all feel like we’ve just woken up from a deep sleep.

Granted, there are some tricky aspects to this if you’ve got a birthday in Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo. Email me at, if you’re experiencing anything other than a lighter feeling.

Very early Sunday morning, brings the New Moon in Gemini. The New Moon is when the Moon crosses over the Sun. On an energetic level, it symbolizes new beginnings, as from the point of the New Moon forward, the Moon will grow until it becomes full later in the month. New Moons are a great time for everyone to set intentions, create new starts and usher in more expansive energy. I vote for lighting a candle on Saturday night, centering yourself, and in the spirit of Gemini and their penchant for talking, speak aloud your intentions with conviction and confidence. Feel what it would feel like in your body if you got all that you’re asking for! There is no room for doubt when you’re living in abundance. Happy NEW MOON to you all!!!

With love…..liz

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